Tuesday, December 25, 2001

PC Greetings

With full disclosure that you are under no obligation whatsoever to celebrate anything at all, I wish you all the very merriest whatever or nothing.

Sit around with friends or loved ones or, if you prefer, sit alone and watch a movie, unless you don't like movies or don't have a VCR and would prefer a nice c.d. and then go for it! Unless going for it turns out to be against everything you stand for in which case, don't.

But don't feel you don't need to strive to achieve those things which go against the grain but which you feel you OUGHT to strive for, either. Personal improvement is always a noble endeavor! Then again, you may feel perfectly finished the way you are in which case, enjoy being done OR you may not feel quite finished but not ready just today to do any more work on yourself in which case, just veg out.

If the above offended any meat eaters or if our resident vegetarians felt that I was besmirching their much loved chosen lifestyle, my abject apologies. It was not my intention... I'm just a little tired of people making fun of meat, but hey, that's me! I tend to feel, when the phrase 'veg out' is used that someone is insisting I must then actually veg out which puts a LOT of pressure on me! I never know which veg to choose, for one thing. Do I broccoli out, or carrot out? In a good mood, I might cucumber out, but that's another entry for another time. Either way, you could offend whole segments of the vegetarian community by picking the wrong veg to out with, and I try so hard to be P.C. Or rather, for those people not into politics, I try to be sensitive to the concerns and whims and vagaries of those around me at all costs, and even those who aren't around me but are in the general vicinity OR those who are no where near me (another subjective measure) but who may be reading me.

My point is, whatever you want to do or not do with the next few days, I wish that you have only the most wonderful possible time doing it, knowing that this is another subjective thing and what I find to be thoroughly wonderful may not be what YOU would find to be thoroughly wonderful, so I want you to do whatever YOU would enjoy even if I would look at you, shake my head and be generally glad you live way far away from me if I saw you doing it, ok? Not that I AM glad or would voice such pleasurable feelings about your farawayedness, unless you are one of those people who prefers blunt honesty in which case, I might if I were in the right mood. There's a thing as going too far to satisfy the needs of someone else, you know. At some point you have to look out for Numero Uno. That's what this holiday season is all about, right? Numero Uno, the Head Honcho, Big Cheese, Main Squeeze, etc? If it's good enough for Him, it works for Me!

Happy Merry Blessed Felize...whatever.