My baby, Murmur. The DWP guy found him under our building - he was only a couple of days old - and I fell in love with him. Murmily Wormily is what I usually call him. Or Murmy. Pooper Scooper gets used a lot. Raised by hand from birth, he's a spoiled little snot, but he's my spoiled snot. I adore this cat. Even for cat people, I adore my cat. And you can tell because this is hands down the most secure, content creature on Earth.
You can take the cat out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the cat. Every now and then he turns on you, right around the time you are obligingly scratching his ruff. He has very long teeth. Very sharp. Look at any of our hands and you will see Murmy scars. The teeth shot, he was playing with string, not biting the hand that worships him.
Being spoiled doesn't preclude baths, though. He loses a lot of weight when he gets wet.
He owns me, this cat. From the time he was a kitten, he wakes me up at 2 or 3 every morning to allow me to pay attention to him. He plays fetch. He makes it impossible to make the bed. If he were an outside cat, he'd bring me dead animals as gifts. He and Mitzi (other boy kitty) go insane every morning and thunder through the house, over our heads, banging into windows and doors before getting tired and going back to sleep. He constantly provokes the irresistable urge to pet him because everything he does is cute. We even go 'awwwww' when he turns and bites us. And when he has finished being attended to, he sits down on you and starts to wash which make me wonder if he is washing the people germs off of him.
He's a little over two years old, now. It will really break my heart if he dies on me. Sometimes it seems he's intent on giving it a try. I've spent roughly two thousand dollars on emergency vet visits. He chomped on a needle when he was a kitten, lodging it in his soft palate. He was neutered at that visit, too. There was the time he ate my daughter's lanyard and had to have it extracted. Imagine his thrill at having me give him regular doses of intestinal soothers and antibiotics. Urgh. At least we can give him meds, though. The other lady cat, Freckles, would literally kill one of us to keep from having to take a pill. I long to see a vet try.
Anyway...bored, yawn, gonna go. I have to finish my mother in law's gift and find some one online to yap at. Then I have to clean a toilet, change a litter box, schedule some appointments, yada blah. Oh, and get the latest cat scratches stitched up.
The archiving of Decembers past (and most of the Januarys, for that matter) is done, but doing it left me with a headache that lasted three days. I think I'll wait until the holidays are over before I work on other months.