This makes sense to me.
The girls and I are off to the movies this evening. We're going to see 'White Noise', which is cool on a few fronts. First, it stars Michael Keaton, and I love watching him. He's been off the screen for too long.
Second, 'white noise' was the name of one of my older blogs.
Third (are these supposed to be separate paragraphs?), my oldest is really into Electronic Voice Phenomena, which is described as ". . . unexpected voices found in recording media . . . paranormal voices, pictures and information from friends and loved ones on the other side (ghosts) through tape recorders, telephones, television, computers and video recorders."
You have to see the trailer for this movie we're going to see tonight. It's at that website. I know it will scare the snot webs out of me, and if my son saw it, it would leave him comatose. Therefore, he and my husband will have a fun filled evening of testosterone here at home.
If I don't come back, keep your radio tuned to an empty station for future updates from t h e o t h e r s i d e.