I bought a box of donuts at 7-11 and when the guy looked at me funny, I told them they were for the nurses at the nurse's station. My ass pre-empts the outrage I would normally have expressed at his having the nerve to eyeball me a question about what I want anything for (ring my fucking sale and shut up, you minimum wage lackey).
It's not even that I couldn't face it this evening. It just came out of me like phlegm.
Ok, it wasn't a box of donuts. It was eight little packages of them because they didn't have the boxed ones. If they had had the box, I wouldn't have needed the little packs. But it doesn't change that he's a minimum wage lackey who has no business daring to question any bloody thing I do.
That bee was on my window while we were waiting in the Carl's Jr. drive through for my Diet Coke. It got lost, it's just hanging on, and it'll get blown away the minute the world starts moving again.