These are chrysanthemum petals on my toilet. Decorative, aren't they?

What happens is that when I'm in the shower, I fling towels over the edge of the shower doors and they kept knocking the vase down. That's why the petals are on the toilet and why the vase is now on the sink. One day last week I peeled a petal off my butt about four hours after I last used the toilet. I wasn't saving it or anything. I just didn't know it was there until I went to scratch the itch it was making on my butt.
Cool toilet seat though, huh? I'll leave the petals there for the next person to marvel at. Stop and smell the flowers and everything.

Isn't this a beautiful picture? I didn't take it, though. A Real Photographer did. It's a shot of the Kiluea volcano, which has been continuously erupting since 1993. I don't know why, but it seems important.