This is the oldest kid, a shot taken with shit camera phone. She saw the neuro today and he recommends the shunt operation. She sees the neurosurgeon next week and I don't expect him to feel differently.
It's probably an easy procedure, right? And it's not like we jumped straight to it without trying everything else. It's been years that we've been trying to avoid this.
She had a headache when we left so I was bringing her home, but she wanted to see ducks. A five headache was almost gone a half hour later. She says it was therapeutic.
10:06 pm: You can rest easy, now. My husband finally managed to stay awake long enough to watch 'The Apprentice'. Thought you'd want to know.
I just found out I can add voice clips here. I added one so you can hear what I sound like, assuming you have such a burning desire. It's under the cartoon.