I hate it when teachers lie to cover their butts. I hate it in general when people abuse authority, but I especially hate it when teachers do it, and you can add sprinkles to the cupcake of my hate when it's a teacher of special ed students who does it.
But I digress.
It's been the usual 'battle the buttfucking, lying, stupid teacher / try to appease their boss so they won't come down on your kid, too' kind of thing here. My middle has been sick as a dog with the flu, which is something of a unique event here, something that will run its course then go away. And I'm personally bummed because I just can't find the right moisturizer that is non greasy, won't clog my pores and will make me thin.
Can you believe I spell check stuff like this? I was beginning to feel a little base when I had to add 'buttfucking' to the spell check dictionary, but when I had to add 'cupcake' too, I felt all better.
You know what I did today? I said 'no' to my kids. Really, I did. I bought something for me and not for them.
Woo woo.