Being The Perfect Mother, people often come to me for advice on how to handle the stickier issues of child-rearing. For instance, someone asked me today how I taught my children not to cheat.
I told them that when the kids were little, I made it clear I wouldn't tolerate cheating by using those surrogate dolls they use in psychiatrist's offices. I said "This is the little girl doll, and this is her kitty doll and she's playing 'Chutes and Ladders' with her kitty and the kitty is winning. That makes the little girl very sad, doesn't it? Yeah, I know. So the little girl doll cheats so she can win. See how happy that makes the little girl doll? Oh look, it's the Karma doll! Hi Karma doll! Ooh, the Karma doll is petting the kitty doll! How cute - wait - oh, look. The Karma doll is setting fire to the kitty doll.
That makes you sad, doesn't it? Yeah, I know. But that's what happens when you cheat. Karma will find your cat and burn it up."
It's worked like a charm for us.