Yeah, thought there would be a picture EVERY time, didn't you?? I didn't want you too complacent. Besides, I left you a video a few minutes ago, so stop complaining.
I'm terrified. The jewelry I thought was so pretty and which was selling so well at craft shows is NOTHING compared to some of the things the people are making on the rest of that site. I suddenly feel completely sophomoric and want to roll up my tent and go home.
What I did instead was apply to two more shows to be a vendor. The best possible role model for the kids is to plow ahead and face my fears. Plus, bonus check is in a week and I can afford some really exquisite stuff to work with. My biggest problem is in figuring how to price things - am I selling myself short or thinking too much of myself? I found the most incredible vintage glass beads at Beadniks in Santa Monica, where they were gracious enough to put them opn hold for me, but at eleven to forty five dollars a bead, I can hardly charge as little as I normally do for the stuff I make.
I don't know what I was thinking. Nothing I have put in the store at Etsy really showcases anything I do, none of my really favorite things (except the fishie one - I like that one a lot). Is it that I am afraid my taste would be too weird to really market or is it that I know, somewhere deep down, that I suck? Am I a frustrated artist priced out of her medium or am I just another mother of special needs kids looking for proof that there is more to her life?