I'm craving something, but I don't know what. I think it's that I'm craving craving fulfillment.It's not the need, it's the satisfaction of the need I crave. Do you ever feel like that, like you want something, but don't know what except you want it? I do that a lot.

Sometimes we have breakfast for dinner. Like you don't.
I was talking to a friend of mine, she's the mother of my son's best friend. I asked her for advice because my son told me he heard a voice in his head saying not so nice things to him. I would love to live in happy denial forever, but I wanted to ask if this was how it started with her son, who has long battled voices in his head. Because, see, you need to face it if it turns out to be something like schizophrenia or some kind of psychosis.
She told me "The professionals say that the mean voice is age appropriate- life is much harder for them now that they know more and have been taunted and teased by people. The Voice could be him thinking about things that scare him, or it could be a voice." I spoke to his doctor and noted that it seems to happen when he is scared, particularly of the dark. If it's a coping mechanism of some sort, it's a crappy one.
It scares me so much. I worry all the time about how to get him some kind of a life one day. I worry about what I wanted for him, what he may be or never be, have or never have. I worry about how to figure out what kind of life he should shoot for and then I feel ashamed because I wonder if he will have to settle for less. I want so much for him. And I worry that it may be that which will limit him somehow.
It's cruel and cold when you wonder if it is ok to want anything for your kid.

It's funny how everyone here in California is all excited about the weather. Moment to moment updates and STORM WATCHES and flash flood warnings. It's all over the bloody news right now, how we can expect TWO inches of rain from this storm alone.
Come on - aren't we all making a very big deal out of nothing? Two inches and a few fender benders or a house or two sliding down a hill is hardly - oh, say a tsunami, is it?

I think the dog may need some therapy, though.