The kids think that's one of the coolest things they ever saw. Again, folks - there is a lesson in here about cost vs. enjoyment.
It's still raining, and the southland is still whining. Southern Californians are so completely unprepared for weather. It rains out here and people leave the caves to howl at the drops. There's a tornado warning for Ventura county this morning, though, so I think they can go ahead and whine about the weather. Who in Ventura is prepared for a tornado?? This wouldn't bug me so much because I know a couple of people up that way I would like to see blown out to sea. Maybe if I pray to the great god of tornadoes I can arrange for it to wipe out just a couple of people and maybe make a mess for everyone else.
I have to get back into my rhythm, today. I still feel so weak in my stomach and it's hard for me to move at all without having trouble catching my breath. It annoys me that I have to do all this stuff when I am sick. Who likes to do things they don't want to do when they're sick? I only want to do things I want to do when I'm sick and even then I only want to get halfway through them before going back to sleep.
Actually, I feel blessed. Whatever was working its way through my system or stomach lining wasn't serious enough to really hurt me. I was in the hospital at a really good time because my husband was able to take the time off work. I may not be exactly healthy, but I'm ok. My family is ok. We're dry and safe. We'll get damp when we go to work or school, but I heard a story this morning about a woman whose car was stranded in a quick flood and as rescue crews were hauling her and her toddler up out of the water, she lost her grip on the baby and the baby died.
It's hard to take feeling crappy seriously when you hear stuff like that.
Update from KFWB 980, 11:30 am:
Two Year Old Girl Latest Victim of SoCal Winter Storm
PALMDALE, Calif. (AP) 1.10.05, 8:40a -- Storm tragedy in Palmdale early this morning.
A 2 year old girl was the latest victim of the winter storm that's left at least eight others dead in Southern California over the weekend.
L-A County sheriff lieutenant Don Ford says a car went around a barricade and got stuck in swift water about 10 last night. Rescue crews lifted a mother and her 10 year old and 16 year old children. The mother was also holding the toddler in her arms, but the girl slipped from her grasp as they were being lifted.
The child was found in a wash three hours later. She was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead there.
The sheriff's department has referred the case to homicide detectives.
As well they bloody fucking should. WHAT possessed Mom to take her kids around a barricade designed to keep the road from flooding in the first place? Why do people do this stuff? I don't understand it.
I had to go out at 5:30 this morning to buy a brush. In the rain, while I'm sick. Why? Because I couldn't find my brush again. I have fifty brushes hiding somewhere in this house because I can never find them so am always buying new ones. Same thing with nail clippers and cable remotes. No matter how many nail clippers I buy, I can never find a pair. I buy them ten at a time, can never find a pair.
The cable remotes I swear to GOD can walk or crawl or slither or something. I'll select my channel and set the remote down next to me, and when I reach for it again, it'll be gone. Every time. If I find a remote in the bedroom, it will be for the living room TV, and vice versa. We never seem to have both remotes at one time and we are always having to get up to change the volume in one room or the other. That, or sleep with the sound blaring because no one wants to get up to turn it down. Then I'm half-awake the rest of the night worrying that the neighbors will get mad about how loud the TV is.
So I nudge my husband until he moves, then ask him if he is awake and if he says yes, I ask him to turn off the TV. If he pretends to still be asleep, I get up and do it. This system has worked for us for a long time.
1:33 pm:
I'm bummed because I had to switch purses, today. My old one had gotten too small to hold the stuff I carry around with me so I had to get a new one, and I feel really guilty about putting the old one out to pasture.
Does anyone else do that?