I love Calvin.
So I'm all excited because I finally have all three kids in school again and I get home, ready to take a long warm bath, when I get the first call. Middle kid is having trouble breathing, racing heart and temp. I pick her up and take her to doc.
While at doc, I get the second call. Oldest kid is having headache issues. Tell her will pick her up when I'm through with middle kid. Middle kid needs EKG and echocardiogram (heart stuff) and CT scan of head. At least I'll have brain x-rays of all three, right?
Leave there, go to pick up oldest kid and might as well bring home youngest so I don't have to drive all the way out there again. Now all three are here with me and pitiful.
Sigh . . .
I asked the doctor if there is some environmental thing going on that makes us have all this medical stuff going on, and you know what she tells me? It's unlikely that any one thing can be responsible for the illnesses we have. Some families, she tells me, just have bad luck or it could be genetics.