Middle Kid: "Mom, I accidentally vacuumed up a chain."
Me: "What kind of chain?"
"The chain to my necklace."
"Which necklace? Is it a chain I can replace?"
"No, it's the chain to my little ball necklace. How do I get it out?"
"Why can't we just get a new one?"
"Because I've had it since fourth grade and it's important to me."
"Well, the only way to do it is to dump all the dust in the vacuum bag
and dig through it."
"Oh. Ok. How do I do that?"
This is why I was digging through the dust in the vacuum bag. Kid has
allergies and, though willing, was not the best choice to dig through
dust bags. So I dug through the dust and couldn't find it. I did
find some pennies, a paper clip, a bunch of bird seed and is there
REALLY that much funk in the carpets I go to so much trouble to steam
clean regularly??
Guess so.
I didn't find the chain, though. Checked the brush bar, not wrapped
around that. Best guess is that it is now wrapped around the fan in
the motor and we'll see that chain again sooner than we think.
Rather, the Oreck repair guy will when we have to take it in to fix
the fan.
Kid thanked me for my efforts and said it was ok. I you're welcomed
her and went off to wash my hands and face and stuff Kleenex up my
Oldest girl and I are watching TV. Commercial comes on advertising dating service. Young, attractive sluts discuss text dating and a text comes up on girls phone telling her how beautiful she is.
Oldest girl: "How does he know how beautiful she is? She could be forty for all he knows."
Silence ensues, then is broken by profuse apologies for child who is now trying to let me know she didn't mean me, that I'm an attractive forty year old.
Youngest kid comes to me after school today and asks me what it means when someone has their heart on. I ask him to use it in a sentence.
"Jacob told me that Colleen gives him a heart on when he sees her."
Oldest kid stayed home today because she's sick.
A nearly miraculous recovery takes place around five PM, when she asks if she can go to Valentine dance at school. I tell her no, if she was too sick to go to school, she's too sick to go dancing.
"Please? It will make me feel better about lot in life".
"No. You were too sick to go to school, you're too sick to go to dance. End of it."
"If dad says he'll take me, can I go?"
"No. Too sick for school is too sick for dance."
"If he agrees to take me, can I go to a movie?" Really. She's serious.
"NO! Too sick for school is too sick for dance is too sick to go to movies."
"Well, can I order a movie on pay-per-view?"
Which is how we ended up staying late watching a bad cable movie and watching the lousy commercials.
Middle kid is pounding on floor, telling me to watch the bottle of Diet Coke. All I can see is the soda jiggling. She says "Look!" (pound) "Jurassic Park!"