Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another flower at Disneyland. Don't know what kind.

Everyone I know - all my offline people, all my online people - we've all moved from Starbucks and forums to Facebook. Well, they all did, anyway. I have a Facebook account, but I rarely use it for the same reason I rarely call my friends or hang out in my forums, anymore. Everyone wants to chat and be silly and I don't these days. I love knowing that I can read about what my cousin did today, but I don't want to have to write about what I did.

Well, here. Here, I can say anything I want and not have to connect with anyone. Nothing at all is expected of me. I don't have to respond to anything - I have no responses in me right now. Except for a very trusted few (who understand my silence), no one in the world who really matters to me sees these pages so they can't be offended or disappointed by them.

I miss my people. I want to know they are ok. I want to be there if they aren't. I just don't want to put on my game face to get there.