My son needs to sleep with at least one light on. This usually means the bathroom light. He needs this to feel safe. I keep finding these Lego guards in there. The one with the sword is Vladik. The other one is Deoxys.
He says they're there to guard the bathroom from ghosts.
Help. Me.
Younger daughter is stressed over finals. Between braces, doctors and meds, I can't afford a tutor until we get our bonus check in March. Then I guess we'll do the Sylvan thing.
She wants to go to college in New Zealand of all places. I think the draws are that she loves the area and it is way far away from home.
And older daughter has decided to take nursing classes after high school. She needs to be a full time student to stay on our health insurance plan until she's twenty-one. I think that's a terrific choice for her. It comes with terrific health insurance, people are drawn to her, she loves helping people and she loves medicine, microscopes and dissecting things. She once brought home chicken livers and kidneys that I had to take away from her before she stuck them under her microscope. She'll do that as a fall back until her big break.